Benefits and advantages of the label for Tanzanian spice producers
The introduction of the Tanzania Spices label brings significant advantages across the spices industry and the economy as a whole.
These include:
• Increased reputation for quality in international markets
• Opportunities to access new and overseas markets
• Government-backed support for new and emerging spice businesses
• Government-backed support for SME diversification into value-add areas
• Training in farming techniques, product development and marketing
• Improved production systems
• Regulation and standardization across the supply chain
• Increased employment opportunities across the supply chain
• Improved livelihoods in the long term
Reputation for quality
One significant advantage of the Tanzania Spices label is developing the country’s spices reputation for quality. As Tanzanian spices have never been trademarked, exported products are often repackaged and on-sold under another country’s label.
Trademarking protects and fortifies the reputation of Tanzanian spices in the domestic and international market.
Improved production systems
The introduction of the Tanzania Spices label improves current production systems. It also provides more support to the smallholder farms that make up the bulk of Tanzania’s spice production.
Currently, spice production in Tanzania largely consists of smallholder farmers in rural areas. The farms are relatively small, ranging from less than one to two hectares (ha). Medium-sized plantations (over 3.5 ha) are a more recent development. Farms typically manage their own production and processing activities rather than going through a central or collective system.
There are few farmer associations to enable collective processes, training and collaboration. Nor are there processing and trading companies oriented towards export that can support farmers in cultivating, harvesting, processing and marketing. In some instances, harvesting of spices is coordinated by intermediary traders who purchase the crops in advance.
The Tanzania Spices label aims to increase production and regulate quality on a national scale and supports spice farmers in this regard.
Government support
Every year the Tanzanian government sets aside a certain amount of money to assist Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs) applying for product certification to use the Tanzania Spices label.
Support includes the waiving of label usage fees. Applicants will need to have an introduction letter from their nearest office of the Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO). The letter should clearly describe the activities of the MSME.
“Any exporter who meets the qualifications stipulated by the rules and regulations governing the right of use, and the management of the Tanzania Spices label, will be issued a label. We encourage all companies to use this new label to promote the spice sector in Tanzania.